الفصل التاسع: أساسيات الاستثمار
الفصل العاشر: التأمين وإدارة المخاطر
الفصل الحادي عشر: التخطيط الضريبي والاستراتيجيات (CAD)
الفصل الحادي عشر: التخطيط الضريبي والاستراتيجيات (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية)
الفصل الثاني عشر: إدارة الديون والائتمان
الفصل 13: تخطيط التقاعد (CAD)
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نموذج Excel: مخطط التقاعد

عنوان: Retirement Planner



his spreadsheet is designed to assist individuals in planning for their retirement. It includes sections for retirement details, goals, income sources, expenses, and yearly savings plans. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of financial requirements and strategies to achieve retirement goals.


  • Retirement Details:
    • Collects basic information such as current age, desired retirement age, years to retirement, and estimated future retirement funds.

  • Retirement Goals:
    • Helps define retirement lifestyle goals, desired asset value, and plans for major life milestones.

  • Income Sources:
    • Details expected income sources during retirement, including social security, pensions, investments, and other income.

  • نفقات:
    • Lists expected expenses during retirement, including housing, healthcare, living expenses, travel, and miscellaneous costs.

  • Yearly Savings Plan:
    • Provides a plan for yearly contributions to savings and tracks the balance over time.


  • Retirement Details:
    • Ensure all personal and financial information is up to date to get an accurate analysis.

  • Retirement Goals:
    • Clearly define your retirement goals to ensure the plan aligns with your desired lifestyle.

  • Income Sources:
    • Regularly update expected income sources to reflect changes in financial circumstances.

  • نفقات:
    • Track and update expected expenses to maintain an accurate budget.

  • Yearly Savings Plan:
    • Monitor your yearly savings and adjust contributions as needed to stay on track with your retirement goals.


مصدر: حاسبة مخصصة

انقر على الرمز التالي لفتح عارض المصنف الكامل في علامة تبويب جديدة، مما يسمح لك بتحريره وحفظه بسهولة.

انقر على الرمز التالي لتنزيل جدول البيانات، مما يسمح لك بحفظ الملف على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك مع التعديلات.

مثال على استخدام الآلة الحاسبة:

مثال تفصيلي لاستخدام جدول البيانات: المهام التي يجب على المستخدم إكمالها:


  1. Retirement Details Section:
    • Enter your current age, desired retirement age, years to retirement, and estimated future retirement funds.
      • قيم المثال:
        • Current Age: 30
        • Desired Retirement Age: 65
        • Years to Retirement: 35
        • Estimated Future Retirement Funds: $120,000

  2. Retirement Goals:
    • Define your retirement lifestyle goals and desired asset value.
      • قيم المثال:
        • Retirement Lifestyle: Family
        • Desired Asset Value: $1,000,000

  3. Income Sources:
    • Enter expected income sources during retirement.
      • قيم المثال:
        • Social Security: $2,000/month
        • Pensions: $1,500/month

  4. نفقات:
    • List expected expenses during retirement.
      • قيم المثال:
        • Housing: $1,200/month
        • Healthcare: $300/month

  5. Yearly Savings Plan:
    • Plan yearly contributions to savings and track the balance over time.
      • قيم المثال:
        • Year 1 Contribution: $5,000
        • Year 1 Balance: $25,000

لماذا تعتبر الآلة الحاسبة التفاعلية مفيدة:

This spreadsheet consolidates all essential information for retirement planning, providing a comprehensive view of financial requirements and strategies. It helps users set clear retirement goals, track progress, and make informed decisions to ensure financial stability during retirement.


مصدر: جدول بيانات مخصص


The Retirement Planner is an essential tool for managing and understanding retirement planning. By providing a detailed and organized approach to tracking retirement goals, income sources, expenses, and savings plans, it helps users ensure financial stability and achieve their desired retirement lifestyle. Regular updates and reviews ensure that the plan remains accurate and aligned with current financial conditions.

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