Employee Benefit Program

A corporate benefit you provide to your employee or corporation!

Invest in Your Team's Financial Future, and Elevate Your Business Along the Way

At SimpleFinancial.org, we understand that your employees are your biggest asset. That's why we've developed a comprehensive Employee Benefit Program to promote financial literacy within your team and their families. This program is designed to offer tangible value, enhance job satisfaction, and create a robust understanding of financial matters that extend within and beyond the workplace.

Step 1: Seamless Employee Access

We enable all members of your company to onboard with ease, granting them complete access to our platform’s features. They can delve into a wealth of information, enriching their personal lives and adding value to your corporate environment.

Step 2: Enhance Employee Satisfaction

Providing your employees with our benefit program is more than just a perk – it’s an investment in their education. This not only increases job satisfaction but also empowers them and their families to take control of their financial future.

Step 3: Foster a Financially Savvy Corporate Culture

Financial knowledge is a crucial skill in today’s world – for individuals and businesses alike. Equip your corporation with our platform to boost financial literacy at all levels. Empower your employees to make informed decisions and contribute to a stronger, more financially savvy business environment.

Premium Account

Full Access to all features!
$ 250 USD Yearly/ per employee
  • Access to all features

Real Value to Employees

Allow your team and their families to master financial concepts with our platform’s resources, paving the way for improved financial management.

Invest in Education and Resources

Our blend of online courses and practical applications creates a strong financial foundation, promoting informed decision-making and a deeper understanding of finance.

Easy Access

Our platform can be accessed via mobile and desktop devices, ensuring your employees can learn anytime, anywhere. Our thriving community offers additional support and engagement.

Advanced Software Features

Our user-friendly software helps users apply the learned concepts to real-world scenarios across various finance aspects, ensuring a rewarding and impactful user experience.

Partner with SimpleFinancial.org to provide a benefit your employees will truly appreciate. Our program helps them – and their families – enhance their financial literacy, creating a ripple effect of benefits for your business. Let's invest in their financial futures, together.