
उपलब्धियां और बैज

Page Description:


  • विवरण: The Achievements tab displays all the milestones and accolades students have earned while using the platform. This section helps students monitor their progress and celebrate their successes.

  • How to Use:
    1. Toggle View: Use the toggle to switch between different views – All Achievements, Completed Achievements, and Not Completed Achievements.
      • All: Shows every achievement available on the platform, whether earned or not.
      • Completed: Displays only the achievements that the student has earned.
      • Not Completed: Lists achievements that have not yet been earned.
    2. Filter: Apply filters to narrow down achievements by categories or criteria.
    3. Search: Use the search bar to quickly find specific achievements.
    4. Sort Options: Arrange achievements by menu order or other criteria using the sort feature.

  • Why It’s Useful: This tab motivates students by showing their accomplishments and the goals they have yet to achieve. It provides a clear path for progression and rewards.
  • Best Use Cases:
    • Regularly check for new achievements to stay motivated.
    • Use the completed/not completed filter to set personal goals for earning new achievements.
    • Share earned achievements on social media or with peers for recognition.

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