अध्याय 9: निवेश की मूल बातें
अध्याय 10: बीमा और जोखिम प्रबंधन
अध्याय 11: कर नियोजन और रणनीतियाँ (सीएडी)
अध्याय 11: कर नियोजन और रणनीतियाँ (यूएसए)
अध्याय 12: ऋण और क्रेडिट का प्रबंधन
अध्याय 13: सेवानिवृत्ति योजना (सीएडी)
3 का 2

एक्सेल मॉडल: बीमा आवश्यकता विश्लेषण

शीर्षक: Insurance Needs Analysis



This spreadsheet is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s insurance needs. It includes sections for general information, immediate financial needs, future financial needs, and current assets. The aim is to help determine the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage required to ensure financial security for the individual’s family.


  • General Information:
    • Collects basic personal details such as name, age, address, company information, civil status, and estimated annual income.

  • Immediate Financial Needs:
    • Covers essential financial obligations such as mortgage balance, emergency fund, child care expenses, college fund, and extra debts.

  • Future Financial Needs:
    • Calculates the income replacement needs of the survivor, considering current income, percentage needed, less survivor pension income, and the present value of income replacement needs.

  • Current Assets:
    • Details all current assets including savings & investments, retirement savings, life insurance, other death benefits, and other available funds and assets.


  • General Information:
    • Ensure all personal details are up to date to provide accurate analysis.

  • Immediate Financial Needs:
    • Regularly update financial obligations to reflect any changes in your financial situation.

  • Future Financial Needs:
    • Consider both current and future income requirements to ensure the survivor’s financial security.

  • Current Assets:
    • Regularly review and update the value of your assets to maintain an accurate assessment.

स्रोत: कस्टम कैलकुलेटर

पूर्ण कार्यपुस्तिका व्यूअर को एक नए टैब में खोलने के लिए निम्नलिखित आइकन पर क्लिक करें, जिससे आप आसानी से संपादन और सहेज सकेंगे।

स्प्रेडशीट डाउनलोड करने के लिए निम्नलिखित आइकन पर क्लिक करें, जिससे आप संपादन के साथ फ़ाइल को अपने कंप्यूटर पर सहेज सकेंगे।

कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करने का उदाहरण:

स्प्रेडशीट के उपयोग का विस्तृत उदाहरण: उपयोगकर्ता को पूरा करने हेतु कार्य:


  1. General Information Section:
    • Enter your personal details.
      • उदाहरण मान:
        • Name: John Doe
        • Age: 35
        • Estimated Annual Income: $75,000

  2. Immediate Financial Needs:
    • Input values for mortgage, emergency fund, child care expenses, college fund, and extra debts.
      • उदाहरण मान:
        • Mortgage: $150,000
        • Emergency Fund: $20,000
        • Child Care Expenses: $50,000
        • College Fund: $80,000
        • Extra Debts: $30,000

  3. Future Financial Needs:
    • Enter current income, percentage needed, and less survivor pension income.
      • उदाहरण मान:
        • Current Income: $75,000
        • Percentage Needed: 70%
        • Less Survivor Pension Income: $15,000

  4. Current Assets:
    • Input the value of savings & investments, retirement savings, life insurance, other death benefits, and other available funds.
      • उदाहरण मान:
        • Savings & Investments: $100,000
        • Retirement Savings: $50,000
        • Life Insurance: $200,000
        • Other Death Benefits: $25,000
        • Other Available Funds: $30,000

इंटरैक्टिव कैलकुलेटर क्यों उपयोगी है:

This spreadsheet consolidates all essential information to provide a detailed analysis of insurance needs. It helps users understand the amount of coverage required to maintain their family’s financial stability in the event of their death.


स्रोत: कस्टम स्प्रेडशीट


The Insurance Needs Analysis is a crucial tool for determining the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage required. By providing a detailed and organized approach to assessing financial needs and current assets, it helps users ensure their family’s financial stability and security. Regular updates and reviews ensure that the analysis remains accurate and aligned with current financial conditions.

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