Excel 모델: 재무 제로 기반 예산 분석

제목: Finance Zero-Based Budgeting Analysis



This spreadsheet is designed to help individuals and businesses manage their finances using zero-based budgeting. It includes sections for budget setup, categorization of expenses, monthly tracking of income and expenses, and variance analysis.


  • 설정: Instructions and an overview of how to categorize expenses and set up the budget for different months.
  • Expense Categories: Lists various expense categories such as Salaries, Office Expenses, Marketing, Travel, Technology, and Miscellaneous, and allows for monthly tracking.
  • Monthly Tracking: Detailed tracking of budgeted vs. actual expenses for each month.
  • Variance Analysis: Calculates the variance between budgeted and actual expenses and provides a percentage analysis.


  • 설정:
    • Accurately categorize your expenses to ensure a clear and organized budget.
  • Expense Categories:
    • Regularly update expenses to maintain accurate financial records.
  • Monthly Tracking:
    • Track both budgeted and actual expenses monthly to stay on top of financial performance.
  • Variance Analysis:
    • 예산 범위 내에서 조정이 필요한 부분을 파악하기 위해 차이를 검토하세요.

원천: 사용자 정의 계산기

다음 아이콘을 클릭하면 새 탭에서 전체 통합 문서 뷰어가 열려 쉽게 편집하고 저장할 수 있습니다.

다음 아이콘을 클릭하면 스프레드시트를 다운로드할 수 있으며, 편집한 내용을 컴퓨터에 저장할 수 있습니다.

계산기 사용 예:

스프레드시트 사용의 자세한 예: 사용자가 완료해야 할 작업:


  1. 설정 섹션:
    • Categorize your expenses and set up the budget for each month.
      • 예시 값:
        • Salaries: $5,000
        • Office Expenses: $1,000

  2. Expense Categories:
    • Enter expenses for various categories.
      • 예시 값:
        • Marketing (January): $500
        • Travel (February): $300

  3. Monthly Tracking:
    • Track budgeted vs. actual expenses monthly.
      • 예시 값:
        • Budgeted: $1,000
        • Actual: $1,200 (February)

  4. Variance Analysis:
    • Review the variance and percentage analysis.
      • 예시 값:
        • Total Budget: $2,500
        • Total Actual: $2,700
        • Variance: $200
        • Percentage: 8%

대화형 계산기가 유용한 이유:

This spreadsheet provides a comprehensive view of financial performance through zero-based budgeting, ensuring every dollar is allocated purposefully. It helps users maintain financial discipline and make informed decisions by comparing budgeted vs. actual expenses.


원천: 사용자 정의 스프레드시트


The Finance Zero-Based Budgeting Analysis is a crucial tool for managing and understanding financial performance. By providing a detailed and organized approach to budgeting, tracking, and variance analysis, it helps users achieve financial stability and make informed decisions about their spending. Regular updates and reviews ensure that the budget remains accurate and aligned with financial goals.

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