Excel 模型:个人每月预算

标题: Personal Monthly Budget



This spreadsheet is designed to help individuals manage their personal finances by tracking monthly income and expenses. It includes sections for setup, income and expense tracking, and monthly comparisons of actual vs. budgeted amounts.


  • 设置:
    • Allows users to set up the budget for different months by listing income and expense categories.
  • Income & Expense Tracker:
    • Detailed tracking of monthly income and expenses in various categories, including actual, budgeted, and difference amounts.
  • Monthly Comparison:
    • Compares actual income and expenses against budgeted figures to identify variances.


  • 设置:
    • Accurately categorize your income and expenses to ensure a clear and organized budget.

  • Income & Expense Tracker:
    • Regularly update your income and expenses to maintain accurate financial records.

  • Monthly Comparison:
    • 审查差异以了解哪些地方需要调整以保持在预算之内。

来源: 自定义计算器




使用电子表格的详细示例: 用户需要完成的任务:


  1. 设置部分:
    • 对每个月的收入和支出进行分类。
      • 示例值:
        • Income: Salary, Freelance Income, Investment Returns
        • Expenses: Rent, Utilities, Groceries, Entertainment

  2. Income & Expense Tracker:
    • 输入每个类别的实际金额和预算金额。
      • 示例值:
        • Salary (Actual): $4,000
        • Salary (Budgeted): $4,200
        • Rent (Actual): $1,200
        • Rent (Budgeted): $1,200

  3. Monthly Comparison:
    • Review the difference between actual and budgeted amounts.
      • 示例值:
        • Total Income (Actual): $5,500
        • Total Income (Budgeted): $5,800
        • Total Expense (Actual): $3,000
        • Total Expense (Budgeted): $3,200
        • Difference: -$300 (Income), -$200 (Expense)

This spreadsheet provides a comprehensive view of personal finances, helping users track and manage their monthly income and expenses. By offering detailed comparisons of actual vs. budgeted amounts, it helps users maintain financial discipline and make informed decisions about their spending.


来源: 自定义电子表格


The Personal Monthly Budget is an essential tool for managing personal finances. By providing a detailed and organized approach to tracking income and expenses, it helps users achieve financial stability and make informed decisions about their spending. Regular updates and reviews ensure that the budget remains accurate and aligned with financial goals.

